Shannon County releases COVID-19 statement

The Shannon County Health Center and the Shannon County Commission, in accordance with CDC guidelines and recommendations from the Governor of the State of Missouri, release the following statement:

As the risk for COVID-19 is increasing, we strongly urge the cancellation or suspension of public gatherings of 50 individuals or more with the exception of educational institutions, daycare facilities, and business operations.  To protect our elderly citizens and those with underlying medical conditions, we would ask them to avoid public gatherings as much as possible.


We ask that facilities that attract large concentrations of senior citizens to strongly consider restrictions and closures in order to protect those most vulnerable to this virus.  We believe that taking a proactive approach will be more beneficial than waiting until someone gets sick.

We are working closely with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and other state and local partners in order to maximize coordination efforts.  We are prepared to do testing and conduct investigations when the need arises.

We have already seen our community pulling together and helping each other out.  As a local health department, we are here to serve you as well.  Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns.  You can reach us at 573-226-3914.

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