Stiches of love from one family to another

Houston, MOAt Texas County Memorial Hospital patients and staff are treated with the same love and respect that family would expect from one another, but now the tables have turned and the community is taking care of the caregivers at TCMH. The golden rule says to do unto other as you would have them do unto you, and that is exactly what the community has been doing for the TCMH family as they gear up for the impacts that coronavirus (COVID-19) could have in the area.

“Donations of suits and masks as well as other kind gestures have been coming in everyday from people all over our community,” Wes Murray, TCMH chief executive officer said. “We are so grateful for everyone coming together to provide extra supplies for our staff.”


Murray mentioned that one small business in Willow Springs is doing everything they can to help the caregivers at TCMH.

Kurt and Donna McKinney, owners of The Rusty Moon Quilt Shop have gathered support from all over to sew reusable face masks for the hospital staff.

The Rusty Moon Quilt Shop and TCMH are actually a lot alike. They refer to their customers as family too, “fabric family” to be exact.

They have received fabric donations from many of their suppliers and distributers, which they have shipped to the quilt shop for free, all to be used for sewing additional face masks for TCMH.

“Our fabric family is made up of so many kind hearted people who are great sewers,” Kurt McKinney said. “Not only have they donated their time, but many of them have used their own fabric to complete the face masks.”

Kurt McKinney mentioned that Murray contacted them to see if they could help with sewing masks, so his wife sent out an e-mail to their fabric family.

“They all stepped up and were instrumental to get everything going,” Kurt McKinney said. “We have collected over 300 masks so far, and there are more on the way everyday!”

“We felt very honored that TCMH would think of us,” Kurt McKinney said. “We’re excited to help our community. It is definitely a tough time for small business America, but we are just glad we have had this opportunity and that our fabric family has made this possible.”

The Rusty Moon Quilt Shop has been in business for three years. They not only serve their fabric family that drive from 40-50 miles away to visit their shop, but they also have an online store at

The TCMH family is forever grateful for their generosity. Make sure to share your appreciation when you are able to visit them too.

If you would like to donate any personal protective equipment such as eye protection, face masks, suits or gloves to TCMH, please contact Kelly Bell, purchasing director at (417) 967-1300.

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