Governor Parson signs supplemental budget

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – During Friay’s COVID-19 briefing, Governor Mike Parson signed the supplemental budget passed by the Missouri General Assembly earlier this week. 

“We are very grateful for the action of the General Assembly, and for the cooperative work between the House and Senate, to accomplish this goal,” Governor Parson said. “I would like to thank the leadership in both the House and the Senate, House Budget Chair Cody Smith, and Senate Appropriations Chair Dan Hegeman. Your work on this bill will help provide critical resources to those who need it most.”

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This piece of legislation will provide access to federal funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020, which included $150 billion in relief to states to mitigate COVID-19 related costs in calendar year 2020.

The CARES Act includes provisions that allow for disbursements through various programs operated by state agencies, providing relief to the citizens and businesses of Missouri impacted by COVID-19.

With this funding, the state hopes to buy more personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care providers, law enforcement, and first responders on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. The funding will also help provide alternate medical locations outside of traditional hospitals and staff these locations with health care professionals

In addition, some of the funding will be used to assist local governments with the expenses incurred from battling COVID-19. The state is also hopeful that the funding will help mitigate losses to Missouri’s education institutions.

“COVID-19 has had an overwhelming impact on our economy, and many local governments, healthcare providers, education institutions, businesses, and other groups will rely on this funding,” Governor Parson said. 

With the passage of the supplemental budget, Governor Parson has established an informal working group to help make recommendations on the best use of the federal funding. 

Serving as an advisory body, the group will study and analyze the federal relief available to Missouri, its citizens, and businesses under the CARES Act and identify the best practices and procedures to apply that relief. 

State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick will lead the group, working cooperatively with key legislative budget members, the Office of Administration’s Budget and Planning Division, and members of Missouri’s federal Congressional Delegation. 

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