COVID-19 Response: Bootleggers BBQ teaming with Operation BBQ Relief

Bootleggers gives out 2,650 meals

Operation BBQ Relief has teamed up with West Plains-based restaurant Bootleggers BBQ to serve meals to front-line workers and those in need through May 4. The effort began Saturday.

Ozarks Healthcare Dinner

Ozark Radio News spoke with Bootleggers BBQ owner Brian Staack:

Sunday, Bootleggers BBQ set up at the First Baptist Church in West Plains providing free meals to those in need. In total 2,650 meals were served.

Staack told Ozark Radio News about Bootlegger’s upcoming schedule:

Staack explained why it’s important for Bootlegger’s to team up with Operation BBQ Relief:

10k Meals in 10 Days

Schedule of Events

Tuesday April 28th
We are delivering meals to nursing homes and retail front line workers.

Wednesday April 29th
We are delivering meals to hospitals, and school programs.

Thursday April 30th
We are delivering to hospitals.
Free meals can be picked up in Willow Springs, Mountain View, Birch Tree, Winona times and locations will be posted that morning!

Friday May 1st
We will be delivering meals to hospitals.

Saturday May 2nd
We will be delivering meals to nursing homes.
Free meals can be picked up in Alton, Thayer, Koshkonong times and locations will be posted that morning.

Sunday May 3rd
Free meal day in West Plains time and location will be posted that morning.

Monday May 4th
Delivering meals for school programs

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