Six Silver Dollar City employees test positive for Covid-19

The Stone County Health Department (SCHD) is reporting six employees at Silver Dollar City have tested positive for Covid-19. This is currently being investigated as a possible outbreak. All employees were masked while at the park and have been quarantined at home.

All close contacts of the employees, including coworkers have also been quarantined. Only three of the cases reside in Stone County and have been included in the previous case count.


Silver Dollar City has fully cooperated with the investigation and is following all the necessary precautionary measures. Silver Dollar City currently requires all guests and staff to wear masks, making the risk of exposure very low.

“The Stone County Health Department’s duty to protect the public’s health we are informing of potential community exposure,” said SCHD staff.

Dates of Public Exposure
June 17th- 7:45-1:00 -Masked
June 20th- All Day -Masked
June 24th- All Day -Masked
June 25th- All Day -Masked
June 26th- All Day -Masked

The health department encourages all residents to take appropriate precautions such as good hand hygiene and social distancing. CDC is also recommending cloth face coverings or masks as an additional, voluntary public health measure to help slow the spread of COVID-19 (N95 respirators should continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders). The cloth face coverings or masks should be worn in areas of significant community-based transmission (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies).

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