To help residents with falling leaves, beginning Saturday, October 31, the compost site located at the Solid Waste Transfer Station, 1853 Good Hard Drive, will remain open 7 days a week for the month of November. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Residents should empty the leaves from bags or containers and take the bags and/or containers with them. There is no charge for bringing leaves to the site.
For residents who cannot take their leaves to the site or prefer for city crews to pick them up at their residence, Sanitation crews will collect the leaves for a fee.
Residents should call City Hall, 256-7176 or the Sanitation Department, 255-2330 before 4 p.m. on Thursdays, and leave your name and address. Leaves will be collected on Fridays. The fee is $5 for the first 6 bags and 50 cents for each additional bag.
Customers will be billed for the service on their utility bill.