Legislative Column: Getting to work for you

By State Senator Karla Eslinger

What began as a cold, gray morning transformed into a beautiful day, with sunshine and blue skies, as elected officials and invited guests gathered on the south lawn of the Capitol for the governor’s inauguration on Monday, Jan. 11. It was a stirring ceremony, with scripture readings, a military band and a B-2 Spirit bomber screaming overhead at the appointed time.

Bridal Expo

The inauguration of Missouri’s 57th governor was also the first official public celebration of our state’s bicentennial. The program began with an address by the head of the State Historical Society, who recalled a variety of famous Missourians and reminded us that we find strength in our diversity. During his remarks, the governor also praised the strength and character of Missourians and offered his assurance there are brighter days ahead.

With the ceremony complete, the Senate went back to work. This week, we received our assignments to the various standing committees. I’m pleased to announce that I have been appointed to four Senate committees: Appropriations, Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment, Gubernatorial Appointments and Professional Registration.

As one of only two freshmen members of the Appropriations Committee, I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves to help craft the state budget. This is an important assignment and I appreciate the confidence that has been placed in me. I’m also looking forward to my work on the Commerce Committee, which considers legislation relating to Missouri’s commercial sector. Included in this responsibility is the expansion of broadband internet in rural areas, which is critical to the residents of the 33rd District. In addition, I’ve been named to the Professional Registration Committee, where I’ll be able to make sure our licensing requirements don’t place undue burdens on those doing business and serving Missourians.

I am also pleased to serve on the committee that reviews the governor’s appointments to boards and commissions. Citizen involvement is so important to the successful exercise of Missouri government. If you’d like more information about how you might serve on a state board or commission, please visit www.boards.mo.gov online.

Next week, I will take a little more time to share information on my legislation. As we begin taking up bills in committee, I’ll keep you posted on the legislative process. I will also keep you informed about issues that affect your lives, and seek your guidance toward solutions. Missouri’s state motto, “Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law,” is more than just a saying. It is a guiding principle that all of us here in Jefferson City must follow. I trust that you will help me stay true to this ideal.

It is my honor to serve the residents of Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Ripley, Texas, Webster and Wright counties in the Missouri Senate, and it’s always a pleasure to hear from friends and family back home. If I can help you in any way, please call my Capitol Office at 573-751-1882, or my District Office at 417-256-2343.  You can also visit my webpage at www.senate.mo.gov/mem33, on Facebook: @SenatorKarlaEslinger, or follow me on Twitter: @seneslingermo.

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