Josh Reeves named Ozarks Healthcare’s Vice President of Development and Advocacy, Director of Facilities

WEST PLAINS, MO – Josh Reeves, Executive Director of Operations at Ozarks Healthcare, has accepted a new role as Vice President of Development and Advocacy and Director of Facilities for the health system.

In his new role, Reeves will continue to oversee support departments at Ozarks Healthcare’s hospital while also serving as the director of Ozarks Healthcare’s foundation, strengthening the health system’s governmental relationships, and supervising Ozarks Healthcare’s expansion project, which will add approximately 100,000 new square feet of specialty clinics and services concentrated in one convenient location.

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“Josh’s role has been extremely important in helping lead Ozarks Healthcare’s expansion project, which will add approximately 100,000 new square feet of specialty clinics and services concentrated in one convenient location later this year,” Tom Keller, Ozarks Healthcare President and CEO, said. “We are able to grow and advance collectively as a health system due to the impressive knowledge and experience of coworkers like Josh. Not only does Josh have excellent operational experience; he also brings a sincere passion and drive to developing Ozarks Healthcare to be the very best at providing compassionate medical care to our community through building personal connections to those we serve and beyond.”

“Ozarks Healthcare’s Foundation Board of Directors is elated to have Josh directing the foundation and our efforts to support our community’s health system,” Ken Joplin, Ozarks Healthcare’s Foundation President, said. “Josh has a heart for philanthropy and connecting to community members, which are both qualities that make him the perfect person to fulfill the position of our foundation’s director.”

Prior to joining Ozarks Healthcare, Reeves ran his own government contract business for several years. He is an active member of the West Plains Economic Development Corporation, a resident of West Plains, and a native of Howell County. Reeves, his wife, Stacey, and daughter, Rose, enjoying farming, golf, and travel.

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