Sports for Wed Aug 11th

Garylee has sports for Aug 11th

Alicia Gunter wp zizzer cross country coach talks a little about the zizzer boys’ cross-country team.



The West Plains girls finished last year as state champions and the boys finished in third place look for big things out of this year’s Zizzer cross country teams.


Big race this Saturday night at Legit Speedway it’s the 6th Annual Camber Classic with all classes running, but this weekend is about remembering and celebrating.  All kids 12 and under get in FREE. Bring the kids out for an action packed and fun night of racing this Saturday. There will be a Kids Bike Giveaway along with other prizes. We spoke with Chris Piper about this event and how this race came about.


Chris Piper went on to tell us about how the other drivers are tight and love to give to this event.


Again, there will be a Kids Bike Giveaway along with other prizes. Also, a Driver Meet and Greet/autograph session from 5:30pm-6:15pm before the races! Find more info at Legit speedway dot com.


STL Cardinals played the Pirates last night winning 4-1. With more here is your redbird recap.


Cardinals at the Pirates pregame 510 first pitch 555 all on kuku 100.3 and news talk radio kwpm.


Royals defeated the Yankees last night 8-4. Tonight at 710 the Royals play the Yankees in the final game of a three-game series.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual