The West Plains Zizzers found a home opener after getting the news that Glendale had to cancel several teams were contacted but finding a week one opponent isn’t an easy thing to do once schedules are set. But after a lot of phone calls the Zizzers found a week one team to play out of Olive Branch, MS the Center Hill Mustangs will travel to West Plains for a high school football match up, Here is Head coach of the Zizzers Mat Perkins talking about how this all came together.
We want to announce with absolute joy: Our boys get to play this Friday at home, 7pm, vs Center Hill, Mississippi.
I want to thank Tammy Miller, our new Athletic Director, who has worked TIRELESSLY on making this come to fruition as well as our administrators, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Davis.
We received a flood of support from community members who will remain nameless who offered support to help us bring someone in. You know who you are… thank you!
Thanks to parents of the QB Club who have advised and helped me sift through options.
I’m very excited for our kids. They get to play ball Friday! You can buy tickets at the gate.