St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 26, 2021 – For more than 20 years, the St. Louis region has been the epicenter for the vehicle service contract (VSC) industry. Complaints against that industry are on the rise, a new Better Business Bureau® (BBB®) study finds. BBB warns consumers to use caution if purchasing a vehicle service contract without carefully reading the contract prior to purchase.
The in-depth investigative study – Vehicle Service Contract Industry: BBB Study Reveals How This Complex Business Model Leads to Consumer Complaints When Marketers’ Promises Giveth and Administrators Taketh Away – details the history of the VSC in the St. Louis region, the difference between a VSC and a warranty and the problems consumers report having with the product. Read the full study here.
Ozark Radio News spoke with BBB Springfield Regional Director Stephanie Garland for more on the vehicle service contract industry complaints: