West Plains, Mo. – The West Plains Noon Rotary Club announced the winner of the MZ Magnum Bad Boy 42″ mower: Teresa Waggoner.
Proceeds from the raffle support the Rotary Backpack Program.
The West Plains Rotary Backpack Program serves children by sending home a pack of easy-to-prepare meals and snacks for nutrition over the weekends.
Currently there are 120 backpacks issued every week school is in session serving children from Kindergarten to Fourth Grade. Schools include the West Plains Elementary School (average 50/week), five rural elementary schools in the R-7 District (average 12/week at each school), and Head Start (average 10/week). The cost is approximately $250 per child per year.
For more information on how you can help out the rotary, visit WestPlainsRotary.org