Busy Hands and Stitchers donate gifts for Ozarks Healthcare’s First Baby Born in 2022

WEST PLAINS, MO – The Busy Hands and Stitchers of the West Plains Senior Center recently donated handmade items, including blankets and newborn caps, for Ozarks Healthcare’s first baby born at its Women’s Center in 2022.

“The Busy Hands and Stitchers have generously gifted their beautiful creations for our New Year baby for several years,” Tonya Aaron, Ozarks Healthcare Women’s Center Manager, said. “Being able to share their heartfelt creations with the family of our first newborn of the year is a special experience. We love being able to explain the local origins of the gifts and appreciate the kindness shown to our patients.”

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Featuring 20,000 square feet, the Ozarks Healthcare Women’s Center includes modern labor and delivery rooms, gynecological surgery facilities, and educational spaces. To date, Ozarks Healthcare has conducted approximately 550 births in 2021. For more information about Ozarks Healthcare’s labor and delivery services, visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/services/womens/.

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