Rep. Travis Smith Capitol Report for Jan. 14, 2022

Greetings from the Capitol. We are already in full swing after winter break and getting back to work on important issues. The two biggest topics now are Critical Race Theory and how we as the legislature are going to draw up the new Congressional Maps for the State of Missouri. Currently we have six Republican seats and two Democrats. I and most of my constituents would like to see that be 7 Republican seats and only 1 Democrat so that’s what I will be fighting for in Jefferson City. However, it looks like the majority of the legislature will be in favor of the 6-2 representation that we currently have now.  There is a fear that if we can’t agree then it will be in the hands of the courts and history has shown that most of their rulings are not favorable with Republican ideals.



House Committee Considers Bills Designed to Ensure Appropriate Curriculum in Schools (HB 1995 and HB 1474)

The House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee held a public hearing this week to consider pieces of legislation designed to give parents more control over what their children learn, and to prevent inappropriate curriculum from being taught in school.

Lawmakers took testimony on HB 1995, which would establish the Parents’ Bill of Rights for Student Well-Being. The legislation would require school districts to adopt a policy to promote parental involvement including procedures for objection to instructional materials. The bill requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop specific forms that school districts must use for parents to opt out of instructional material, and for parents to be notified in advance whenever a teacher intends to teach a divisive or controversial topic.

“We need to send a very clear message that the state of Missouri, if we ever have to choose a side, we will always take the side of parents,” the bill’s sponsor told the committee.

The bill also establishes the Missouri Education Transparency and Accountability Portal to give access to every school district’s curriculum, source materials, and professional development materials.

During the hearing, the committee also heard testimony on HB 1474. The bill also creates a Parents’ Bill of Rights, but has additional language to prohibit the instruction of critical race theory in public and charter schools.

Specifically, the bill prohibits school districts, charter schools, and their personnel from teaching, using, or providing such curriculum or from teaching, affirming, or promoting any of the claims, views, or opinions found in the 1619 Project, which is a collections of essays on race. The bill does not allow curriculum that identifies people or groups of people, entities, or institutions in the United States as inherently, immutably, or systemically sexist, racist, biased, privileged, or oppressed.

The sponsor of the bill said his legislation is the result of parents who are concerned their children aren’t being taught a full, accurate picture of the nation’s history.

He said, “What we need to do is encourage kids to go above and beyond what we are teaching them in school and to dig deeper into history, learning from the good, learning from the bad, so we don’t repeat the bad.”

He added, “This bill in no way is trying to stop kids from thinking. I think it’s trying to prevent educators, prevent institutions from flooding kids with a certain train of thought, teaching them this is the only way to think about these situations.”

The committee completed the public hearing on both bills but has yet to bring them to a vote.



House Committee Approves Congressional Redistricting Map (HB 2117)

Legislation that will establish new boundaries for Missouri’s eight congressional districts is one step closer to consideration on the House floor. The House Special Committee on Redistricting gave its stamp of approval to HB 2117 Wednesday, January 12 during a public hearing in the State Capitol.

The committee chair and vice-chair said the map approved by the committee was created with input from legislators representing their constituents, public testimony from citizens across the state of Missouri, and 2020 census data.

“The map created in HB 2117 contains compact and contiguous districts as required by our constitution while also keeping communities of interest and like-mindedness together,” said the chair of the House Special Committee on Redistricting. “The Census data allowed us the opportunity to better understand Missouri’s population and we used that information in combination with the testimony shared in committee to create a map that accurately reflects our state and our congressional districts.”

The committee’s vice-chair said the bipartisan process used in committee allowed members from both parties to have input on the new district boundaries. The committee met again Wednesday afternoon to give time to an alternate map proposed by the minority leader of the House. While the committee did not approve the map, the vice-chair said she was pleased with House Leadership’s commitment to due process.

“Our goal has been to allow all state representatives, and Missourians from all parts of the state, to make their voices heard on this bill before we move forward,” said the vice-chair of the House Special Committee on Redistricting. “I’m confident we have a bill that fairly and accurately represents our districts, and that can receive strong support on the House floor. There is no stronger foundation than the Constitution we are sworn to uphold.”

HB 2117 must now receive approval from the House Rules committee before moving to the House floor for discussion. The bill will be discussed on the floor on Tuesday, January 18.

The current version of the map can be viewed at the following link:

If any of you want details on legislation, we pass please email me a request to and I will put you on our weekly Capitol Report. If you ever have, any questions or concerns feel free to call me at 573-751-2042. Thank you for keeping our Ozark Conservative views going.

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