Zizzer Band Starts Fundraiser for Member with Cancer

West Plains, Mo. – Band members at West Plains High School have started a fundraiser to help support a fellow student who has been diagnosed with cancer. Aubrey Webers is a 16-year-old sophomore at West Plains who plays the French horn and was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. Ozark Radio News spoke with Band Director Rocky Long about the fundraiser:

While Aubrey is making great progress in recovery and is currently home with family, she still has consolidation chemotherapy treatments for the foreseeable future. The band students are selling #AubreyStrong shirts to raise money for Aubrey’s medical expenses. Shirts can be purchased for $15 from any West Plains High band student or email Band@Zizzers.org for more information. All proceeds will go directly to the Webers family. Donations are also accepted.

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