Garylee has your sports update

STL Cardinals were off yesterday but look to avenge a series loss to the Rockies with more here is your redbird recap.



It’s the Cardinals hosting the Rockies tonight pregame at 550 and first pitch at 635 all on KUKU and KWPM.


The Ava Bears over the last few years have been atop the SCA in high school football and district champs, but some changes will be noticed this year as Dan Swofford has stepped down to take a coaching position at Evangel, but not to worry the Ava Bears have slid 11 year veteran on the Ava Bear coaching staff Casey Merrifield over to head coaching duties, We asked coach Merrifield how summer workouts have went.


Coach Merrifield talks about some of the team leaders for this years Ava Bears.


Ava has a Jamboree to take part in and week one the Ava Bears will be on the road.


Ava looks to be a strong contender in the SCA and districts.


The West Plains Elks Lodge 20th annual Harold Wilson Memorial golf classic Saturday Sept 17th. It’s a 2-person 18 hole scramble at North Terra golf course in West Plains with a cost of 150 dollars per team. Included in your entry fee, goodie bag, dinner at the lodge after tournament, door prizes, there will also be longest put, longest drive and closest to the pin contest along with other opportunities to win some cash and prizes. Tee time will be 11am with sign in starting at 9am. So sign up for the West Plains Elks Lodge 20th annual Harold Wilson Memorial golf classic at the North Terra golf course in West Plains.


Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual