MDC Issuing Mandatory Sampling of Deer in Listening Area Counties

The Missouri Department of Conservation will be issuing mandatory CWD sampling during certain counties within the state, and several are within our listening area.

CWD, or Chronic Wasting Disease is reported to be an infectious, deadly disease within the cervid, or deer family that has a 100% mortality rate. Counties that have confirmed cases of CWD, and those within 10 miles of those cases, are designated as CWD management zones.

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2022 CWD Management Zone counties within our listening area that are affected include Howell, Oregon, Ripley, and Ozark Counties.

Those who hunt and bag a deer during November 12th and 13th are required to take their harvested deer, or the head on the day of the harvest to a CWD sampling station. Sampling and test results are free.

Find CWD mandatory sampling station locations online at

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