Willow Springs City Council Meeting Draft Minutes 10-27-22

City of Willow Springs

Regular Council Meeting


Thursday, October 27, 2022

City Hall Council Chambers, 5:30 pm


Present:  Mayor Brooke Fair, Alderman Danny Bradley, Alderman Kim Rich, Alderman David Collins, Alderman Phill Knott, City Attorney Zane Privette, City Administrator Beverly Hicks, City Clerk Heather Duddridge, Police Chief Wes Ellison, Assistant Police Chief Alan Lewis.


Guest:  Gene Douglas, Susan Rackley, Shane Collins, Mindy Parsons, Mary Jones, Christy Graves, Hanna Borchard, Amanda Mendez.




City Clerk Heather Duddridge called the roll.

Mayor Brooke Fair opened the meeting of the Board of Alderman at 5:31 pm with a quorum present.




Motion by Alderman Knott, second by Alderman Rich to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.




Motion by Alderman Bradley, second by Alderman Knott to approve the Consent Agenda which included Approval of Minutes – (RM 9/22), Approval of Bills for Payment, Receipt of Financial Reports, and YMCA, Department Head’s & Board’s Reports.  Motion carried 4-0.




Gene Douglas, OKE-Thomas:  City Administrator Beverly Hicks informed Council that the Main Street Group hired another company in 2018 to do a study on the building at the corner of Main and South Center.  Hicks stated that the City wanted someone with fresh eyes to conduct a study and contacted Gene Douglas with OKE-Thomas.  Hicks added that as the building currently sits, the only option for Council is to declare it as a dangerous building pursuant to Chapter 505 of the Willow Springs Municipal Code, which lists nine criteria of a dangerous building and the procedure for having a building officially declared as dangerous.


Gene Douglas informed the Council that he brought the same engineer that was here in 2018, a roofer, and an architect to complete the feasibility study.  Douglas stated that the building is great and worthy of saving, but the north facade masonry is biggest issue.  Douglas added that the building can be fixed.  Douglas also stated that there is no need to demolish the building if the Main Street Group will move forward, but his warning would be not to wait and focus on the main deficiencies first which are the north façade first and the roof second.


General discussion was held among Council, Gene Douglas, and the Main Street Group.  Douglas informed the Council that the building was safe for a construction crew to be inside working.  The Main Street Group stated that they are working to empty the building and making plans to take to the bank for financial backing.  Council requested a serious timeline and the Main Street Group expressed interest in visiting with Gene Douglas in more detail.


Discussion will continue at the next regular meeting.  No action was taken by Council at this time.




Removal of Parking Spaces at 4-way Stop Downtown:  Police Chief Wes Ellison presented Council with a drawing of the proposed spaces to be closed downtown due to safety issues.  Ellison also provided a diagram from a recent traffic accident report showing a semi had clipped the rear corner of a vehicle sitting in one of the spaces that he is proposing to be removed.


Ellison informed the Council that due to the increasing amount of traffic downtown, there have been an increase in accidents due to large vehicles such as tractor-trailers and school buses having difficulty turning at the 4-way stop.  Ellison added that this poses safety concerns for regular traffic and pedestrians alike.  Street Department Supervisor and volunteer fireman Shane Collins was present, who informed Council that dump trucks and fire trucks also have difficulty turning at the 4-way.  Ellison and Collins further added that if the eight parking spaces near the 4-way stop were removed, all handicap spaces would be moved down one space to continue accommodation for those who utilize those spaces.


Motion by Alderman Bradley, second by Alderman Rich to remove the eight parking spaces near the 4-way stop for safety purposes.  Motion carried 4-0.


Missouri Firefighters’ Cancer Pool:  City Administrator Beverly Hicks presented Council with information from the Missouri Firefighters’ Cancer Pool, which was mirrored after the program implemented by the State of Colorado.  Hicks stated that MIRMA is also interested in being involved since many municipalities in the State of Missouri are visiting about this program.


Hicks informed Council that this is not an insurance policy, only a supplement.  The Willow Springs Fire Department does not currently receive benefits from the City because it is a volunteer department.  Hicks stated that providing this supplement to firefighters is one way of showing that the City appreciates and supports them.


General discussion was held among Council members regarding the cost, payout of benefits in the event of a claim, and the number of firefighters that qualify for these benefits.  Hicks stated that there are currently five firefighters who qualify for these benefits and a $200,000.00 coverage amount would cost the City approximately $502.00 for the year.


Council unanimously agreed that this is a great program and advised Hicks to include the $300,000.00 coverage for a vote with the 2023 budget.  No further action was taken by Council at this time.


2023 Budget Discussion and Reschedule Budget Work Session:  City Administrator Beverly Hicks informed Council that the City has been absorbing some of the increased costs for numerous supplies and services in order to keep costs for citizens to a minimum, including the increased cost for sanitation services that was approved by Council in May due to rising fuel costs.  However, Hicks stated that absorbing those increased costs is no longer feasible for the City to continue.


Hicks continued general discussion on various issues with the 2023 budget, including the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) at 8.7%, looking ahead 2-3 years down the road for truck purchases, and potentially raising costs in certain areas to continue providing essential services without going backward financially.


The 2023 budget work session was rescheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 8:00 am.  No further action was taken by Council at this time.


Public and Media Questions:  Amanda Mendez from Howell County News had questions, which were answered by Council, City Administrator Beverly Hicks, and Police Chief Wes Ellison.




Motion by Alderman Knott, second by Alderman Rich to move to executive session for (1) Legal, (2) Real Estate, and (3) Personnel pursuant to §610.021. A roll call vote was taken:


            Ayes:   Bradley, Rich, Collins, Knott

            Nays:  None.


The meeting moved into Executive Session at 6:37 pm and adjourned at 7:06 pm with no action taken.


Motion by Alderman Collins, second by Alderman Rich to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 pm. Motion carried 4-0.





ATTEST:   Brooke Fair, Mayor


Heather Duddridge, City Clerk

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