Howell County Sheriff Brent Campbell Speaks on 2023 Goals

Howell County, MO. – The Howell County Sheriff Brent Campbell stopped in recently and spoke to us at OzarK Radio News about upcoming plans for 2023.

Plans for 2023 include completion of the New Justice Center, and an increase in staff. Campbell stated he would like to include an increase of at least 13% in the Patrol Division.

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Lastly, he stated there will be the implementation of the “Substation Program” being put in place, with patrol zones being divided into a total of 6 different areas. These areas have been divided based on current crime mapping statistics. Coordination has been done through local governments and emergency response organizations in order to establish what the Sheriff calls a “decentralized community policing concept”.

More details on these things and others will released as they are obtained.

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