Oregon County Sheriff’s Office reports Jan 30, 2023

Alton Police Department – Arrest

On 01/23/2023, the Alton Police Department arrested Colt Arrant of Alton on Driving while Revoked/ suspended. He was released on 01/23/23 on an O.R. Bond.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment


Oregon County Sheriff – Arrest

On 01/23/2023, Oregon County Sheriff’s Office arrested Jacob Golden of Mammoth Spring AR on stealing $750.00 or more a class D Felony. On 1-23-23 he was released on a $25,000.00 Corporate Surety Bond.

On 01/28/2023, Oregon County Sheriff’s Office arrested Destani Steagall of Alton on Endangering The Welfare of a Child Creating Substantial Risk-1st Degree- 1st Offense- no Sexual Conduct a class D Felony. On on 1-28-23 she was released on a $5,000.00 bond.


The week of 01/22/2023 through 01/29/2023 the Oregon County Sheriff’s Office dispatched 46 calls for service.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual