Myrtle Driver Seriously Injured in Oregon County

Myrtle, MO. – A driver from Myrtle, MO. has been seriously injured after being involved in a one-vehicle overturn crash.

The investigating officer who submitted the report was Master Sergeant T.W. Meyer of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Troop G.


At 1:20pm in Oregon county, a Toyota Tacoma ran off the roadway on Highway V, roughly 5 miles West of Myrtle. After travelling off the roadway, the vehicle overturned and was totaled.

The driver was identified as Richard Perisho, a 62-year-old male from Myrtle. Serious injuries were inflicted on the driver and he was taken via air ambulance services to Memphis, TN., where he is recovering at Regional One Health.

There is no indication of what caused the accident on the report.

Link to the crash report. 

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