Texas County Memorial Hospital to Host 2nd Annual Baby Quest Adventure

Houston, MO. – Texas County Memorial Hospital’s obstetrics department and local area businesses are sponsoring the 2nd Annual Baby Quest Adventure on Thursday, October 26, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Jayson Gentry Community Safe Room at the hospital.

The Baby Quest Adventure is a no-cost educational community event for expecting and new parents, grandparents, babysitters, and anyone interested in learning more about pregnancy and parenting.


Nursing staff from the TCMH labor and delivery will offer education on breastfeeding, infant CPR, water and home safety, nutrition and hydration, diapering and bathing station, healthy pregnancy tips, and babysitting.

Partnering with TCMH at the event are the Texas County Health Department and their car seat program; SIDS and Safe Sleep by Cribs for Kids; W.I.C.; and the Pregnancy Resource Center of South-Central Missouri.

“We look forward to offering valuable information and meeting the residents of Texas County and the surrounding area,” said Jennifer Terrill, obstetrics director.

Refreshments and door prize drawings will be available at the adventure.

Join us to help pack your gear for your new pregnancy and parenting journey.

Contact the TCMH obstetrics department at (417) 967-1275 for additional information about the event.

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