Fentanyl Disguised as Oxycodone Found in Douglas County

Ava, MO. – In more news from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, a PSA was released just recently on a situation where what seemed like Oxycodone turned out to be fentanyl after testing. Read below for the unedited announcement.

Public Service Announcement!!!!
Approximately a month ago the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office seized some pills that looked and had the markings of an Oxycontin. The suspected pills were sent to the MSHP Crime Lab to be tested. The pills tested positive for Fentanyl and did not test positive for OxyContin.
It is a very serious situation when we have pills that are marked as one type of narcotic and they are now testing positive for Fentanyl.
I would like to advise people to not pickup any pill that you may see lying around without the proper personal protective equipment.
Sheriff Chris Degase
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