American Legion Post 23 Receives Donation from Ozark Spring NSDAR

(This article is a press release from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.)

West Plains, MO. – On Saturday, November 11, 2023, during an Open House at the American Legion Hall, Ms. Jan Tappana, Chapter Regent, Ozark Spring, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (Ozark Spring, NSDAR) presented a check to Mr. Larry Ball, Honor Guard, West Plains American Legion Post 23 for the 2023 Chapter Regent Project. The Chapter Regent Project donation supports the mission and purpose of the Honor Guards’ duties to present honors at military funerals, which among numerous duties includes removing the flag from the casket and folding it 13 times into a crisp triangle for loved ones. Honor Guards are veterans and often accompany Color Guards in presenting the colors (flags) at ceremonial occasions


Punch and cake was served by the Ozark Spring, NSDAR Daughters at the Open House with a specialty cake that featured the new signage displayed at the American Legion Hall, 1401 Bill Virdon Blvd., West Plains, Missouri.

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