The Grizzlies Defeated By The Moberly Greyhounds, 92-70

The Missouri State University West Plains Grizzlies played the Moberly Greyhounds on the evening of February 28, 2024.

The Grizzlies are currently playing a season of 9 wins and 19 losses. Their last win being the game they played last Wednesday night against Three Rivers, after being in an 11 game loss streak. The West Plains Grizzlies have already lost twice to Moberly this basketball season. Grizzlies start off on the defense after the tip off but make the first shot of the night, starting off with a lead of 2 to 0. The Grizzlies keep the lead for a minute, as they keep the ball to themselves, before the Greyhounds steal the ball and bring the score up to a tie of 6 to 6. This leads to the Greyhounds passing the Grizzlies score and pulling ahead by 4 to a score of 10 to 6. The first quarter is the quarter of foul, both teams have 8 fouls within the first 5 minutes of the game. Moberly continues to smoke the Grizzlies, pulling ahead to a lead of 8 points. The Grizzlies have 7 turnovers to the Greyhounds 0. The Grizzlies then pull out their game and score a couple 3 pointers bringing the game to only a 4 point lead. The Greyhounds continue to stay in the lead but the Grizzlies don’t let them get the big lead that they got earlier, staying with in 4 points of the Greyhounds score. The two teams stay in a stalemate as each team try to widen or shorten the lead between them. When the Grizzlies get a point closer, the Greyhounds make another point to keep the lead them same. The Grizzlies sneak up behind the Greyhounds and take the lead from their hands, giving them the lead at 31 to 30. The Moberly Greyhounds then get control of the game again, scoring a 3, bringing them back in the lead with the score of 33 to 31. The Grizzlies and the Greyhounds fight for the score as the half draws to a close. Moberly takes that lead and keeps it at the end of the half, with the score of 40 to 36. By the end of the first half the Greyhounds only had 2 turnovers and the Grizzlies had 10 turnovers.

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The first half ended better for the Grizzlies than in the last game played with the Greyhounds. The Grizzlies were only down by 4 points this game and in the other game they had all but thrown away the game by half time. The second half starts off with the first score being made by the Grizzlies bringing it to a 1 point game of 40  to 39. A good start for the Grizzlies on the second half. The game stays the same lead wise as the Greyhounds and the Grizzlies slowly work the way into the higher numbers, with Moberly staying in the lead by 4 points, occasionally only having a 1 point lead. The  Greyhounds and the Grizzlies are good competition for each other tonight. The Grizzlies once again pull up next to the Greyhounds, bringing the game to a tie of 52 to 52, which in turn, the Greyhounds put in another burst of power and widens the lead to a 11 point game, the biggest lead of the night. Grizzlies have made 10, 3 pointers tonight while the Greyhounds have made 12 tonight, so far. The Greyhounds pull far ahead after making 2 three pointers in a row, making it a 16 point game.  The Grizzlies continue to struggle behind the Greyhounds as they fall further and further behind. The game ends with the Greyhounds beating the Grizzlies with the score of 92 to 70.

The Missouri State University West Plains Grizzlies will play again on March 2, 2024 at State Fair. You can listen live to that game on 102.5 KKDY.

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