Richards School Rocketry Team Takes Winning Position in Fidelity STEM Contest

West Plains, MO. – Fidelity Communications recently announced the results of their recent STEM Education contest, the “Dream Bigger” Campaign, and the Richards R-V School Rocketry Team came out of it a winner.

According to the press release on the end of the event, Fidelity states that nearly 100 schools and organizations took part in this contest. All teams involved would speak about how they would use the winning amount of $2,500 to fund their STEM projects, and how it would benefit their students.

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The Richards School Rocketry Team entered the contest with the goal of using the funds to continue their competition in the Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC), the world’s largest running rocketry competition, with the funding of the parts needed for construction of rockets.

With the Rocketry Team taking a top spot in the contest, they will be receiving the maximum prize of $2,500.

The other team in the top spot was another Missouri school program, the Owensville High School TV Studio Program.

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