Woman Recently Arrested After Pointing Gun At Children For Making Too Much Noise

Fulton County, AR. – A woman from Fulton County was recently arrested after pointing a gun at a group of children.

According to the probable cause affidavit, on June 14, 2024, Fulton County Deputies were dispatched to a residence after getting a call about an incident involving a firearm. Upon arrival, witnesses told the deputies they were throwing a birthday party at the house for their child when 67-year-old Delores Jones showed up and started threatening everyone. She allegedly pulled up at the residence, parked by a tree, climbed out of her vehicle, and continued to pull the trigger of the gun, which made a clicking noise due to the chamber being empty. 


One witness reported that she pointed the gun at the group of children and told them to stop being loud because the noise was bothering her dogs. When Jones was confronted she allegedly sped off in her vehicle nearly running over one of the children who was crossing the street to retrieve a four-wheeler. 

A female witness said that she had later gone over to Jones to see if something was wrong. The witness’s husband informed her to take a picture because Jones was still in possession of the firearm. As she went to take the photo Delores asked if she wanted her to pose and lifted the gun, pointed it at the witness’s husband, and smiled at the camera.

When going through evidence, deputies found that the firearm used did have bullets in the magazine. Delores Jones was arrested and charged with Aggravated Assault. She was released on a $10,000 bond.

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