Fort Leonard Wood Opening Cannon Range To Show Off Aircraft To The Public For The First Time Since 2015

Fort Leonard Wood, MO. – Fort Leonard Wood announced the opening of Cannon Range, a U.S. Air Force Reserve located on the base. The range opened on Sunday, August 4, 2024, for the first time since 2015. 

Nearly 1,500 people went out to view the aircraft and artillery. An aircraft that will be open to viewing by the public will include the A-10, known for flying low around the ground year-round. Officers of the base have told the public that if you wish to have a tour of Cannon Range, contact the base directly, and they will set up a tour for you at any time year-round. 

Bridal Expo

While there you will get to see airplanes and artillery that the military uses in combat and for field tests on U.S. grounds. So if you are a fan of the airplanes contact Fort Leonard Wood at (573) 563.5038.

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