“It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Twisted Christmas Carol” Productions Coming Soon

West Plains. MO. – The Avenue Theatre group in West Plains will be putting on two productions in December that’ll help get you into the excitement of the holidays, with “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “A Twisted Christmas Carol”. The latter of the two will be performed by the local Fine Arts Academy Youth group.

Cat Hall, the co-director of “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and cast members Abigail and Emily Ellsworth, and Brett Osborne all stepped in to speak about their experiences on this production and why people should take an interest in this classic Christmas tale.

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Cat Hall on “It’s A Wonderful Life”:


Emily Ellsworth and Brett Osborne on their experiences working on the show:


As a last aside, Abigail Ellsworth spoke briefly on the production put on by the youths emphasizing the mystery behind “A Twisted Christmas Carol”.

These productions can be seen December 6th, 7th, 13th and 14th at 6:30 PM, and December 8th & 15th at 3pm. Tickets can be bought by going to https://theavenuetheatre.org/, or by purchasing them at the box office the night of the show.


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