West Plains City Council Approves 2025 Budget and Utility Increases

The West Plains City Council met in regular session Monday evening. Last month, the council had given first reading to utility rate increases, which the council has stated are necessary for compliance with DNR, positioning for grant proposals and are generally in line with the city’s five-year plan. The mention of the increases has drawn some concern, however. A resident who identified himself simply as J.C. addressed the council, saying that the increases are yet another financial burden to residents. The council approved the rate increases unanimously. Electric will increase 7%, water 3%, sewer 4% and sanitation 3%, and will become effective in 2025.

The council also approved resolutions to adopt the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan and an agreement between the city and Glass Sword Cinema for them to provide concessions at parks facilities, including the aquatic park. The council also approved the adoption of the tax increment financing #2 budget for the upcoming fiscal year, amended budgets for the current fiscal year, the overall budget for the upcoming fiscal year, and an amendment to the municipal code regarding alarm systems.

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