Explore West Plains is sponsoring a Non-Profit Expo and Volunteer Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 2-5 p.m., at the West Plains Civic Center. The event is designed for all area non-profit and charitable organizations to have an opportunity to let the community see what they do and to describe their volunteer roles, if any.
“This event started as a volunteer fair two years ago sponsored by the Arts Alliance. Last year it also included a ‘meet-and-greet’ opportunity for local non-profits, even those who might not need volunteers. When the Arts Alliance was not able to host the event for 2025, we decided to sponsor it through Explore West Plains and hopefully expand it a bit more,” said Terry Hampton who is organizing the event. Hampton, who works at the Ozark Heritage Welcome Center, added, “Not only do we want locals to come out and learn more about what is going on in the non-profit community, but we encounter folks on a near-daily basis who have either recently moved to the area or who are interested in moving here, and we’d like to introduce them to what a generous and caring community we are. We like to show off what is available in West Plains!”
The event will be held in the Exhibit Hall at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St., and admission will be free to attendees. In an effort to allow all interested organizations an opportunity to participate without cost being a barrier, booth spaces are offered to West Plains area nonprofits and charitable organizations for only $15. Pre-registration for organizations is required, and sign-up forms are available at the Explore West Plains website, explorewestplains.com, or at the Ozark Heritage Welcome Center, 2999 Porter Wagoner Blvd.
Hampton said, “We hope representatives of the non-profit world will come share their group’s mission and passion. We’d like to get more folks interested in the important charitable and service work happening in our community and connected to the organizations doing the work.”
For questions, contact Hampton via email at terry.hampton@westplains.gov or call 417-256-8835. See the Facebook event page, “Non-Profit Expo and Volunteer Fair.”