OzSBI To Host Two Workshops in January

[West Plains, MO] – The Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) will present two workshops in January. They include Smart Start: Developing a Successful Business, and Tax Strategy for Business.

Smart Start: Developing a Successful Business is a free course offered by OzSBI that teaches entrepreneurs and small business owners the critical first steps involved with starting and operating a small business and establishes a roadmap for success. Attendees will learn the ins and outs of starting a business, the steps to create a business plan, and the importance of understanding finances from the start. This workshop is facilitated by OzSBI Business Development Specialist, Autumn Shirley and OzSBI Mentor Coordinator, Gene Weinbeck. The workshop will be held Tuesday, January 28 from 2:00 to 5:00 at OzSBI, located at 408 Washington Ave., West Plains.

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Tax Strategy for Business will be held on January 30 from 11:30 to 1:00 facilitated by CPA and OzSBI Board Member, Gabe Chambers. Gabe is a certified public accountant with Hawkins, Yarber and Chambers. Attendees will learn the ins and outs of small business taxation and how to minimize tax liabilities. This lunch and learn is sponsored by the Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative and is available for $15 per person, lunch is included.

For more information or to register for any of these workshops, go to ozsbi.com/events or call us at 417-256-9724.

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