JOPLIN, Mo. – If you have heard about snagging for paddlefish and want to learn more about this unique form of fishing, circle March 13 on your calendar.
People wanting to get information about snagging for paddlefish can learn more at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program “Learning to Fish: Paddlefish Snagging.” This online program, which will be March 13 from noon-12:30 p.m., is being put on by the staff of MDC’s Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center in Joplin. At this program, MDC Office Manager Tim Smith will provide information about how to snag for these large fish. People can register for this program at:
At the March 13 online program, Smith will discuss the strategies and equipment needed for locating and snagging paddlefish, which are also called “spoonbills.” Unlike other forms of fishing, catching paddlefish does not involve putting a lure on a hook and enticing the fish to grab the hook. The first key to successful paddlefish snagging is locating paddlefish, which many paddlefish snaggers do with the help of electronic fish-finding equipment. Once paddlefish are located, the goal is to successfully blind-snag them with a large treble hook and reel them into your boat.
Missouri’s statewide paddlefish season runs from March 15 to April 30. Three of the best locations for snagging paddlefish in Missouri are Table Rock Lake, Truman Lake and Lake of the Ozarks. These populations are maintained through regular stockings by MDC.
Though this program is free, registration is required to participate. Use the link above. Registrants must provide an e-mail, so a program link can be sent to them. People can stay informed about upcoming programs at MDC’s Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center and other nearby MDC facilities by signing up for text alerts and e-mail bulletins. People who have questions about how to sign up for text alerts from the Shoal Creek Center can call 417-629-3423.
Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding virtual and in-person programs. A listing of these programs can be found at