WEST PLAINS, MO – March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about the importance of colorectal screenings and early detection. Ozarks Healthcare is committed to educating the community about colon cancer prevention, symptoms, and screening options through a special educational event in West Plains.
A free Colon Cancer Awareness Community Education Dinner will be held on Thursday, March 27, at 5:30 p.m. at the Willard Hunter Classroom in Ozarks Healthcare’s Parkway Center at 1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains. This event will provide attendees with valuable information from Dr. David Benalcazar, general surgeon from Ozarks Healthcare, about colorectal cancer risk factors, screening guidelines, and the latest advancements in detection and treatment.
The American Cancer Society recommends that individuals at average risk begin colorectal cancer screenings at age 45. Those with a family history or additional risk factors may need to start screenings earlier. Options for screenings include colonoscopies and at-home stool-based tests.
Attendees at the event will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn about Ozarks Healthcare’s screening services, and enjoy a meal while engaging in this important discussion.
The event is free to attend, but space is limited. To reserve your spot, please call 417-257-6735. For more information, visit www.ozarkshealthcare.com.