2020 Census Complete Count Committee Launches Statewide

2020 Census Count to Begin in March

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – This week, the Missouri 2020 Census Complete Count Committee will launch a statewide media campaign to educate Missourians on the importance of being counted in this year’s census. The campaign will receive help from notable figures such as Ozzie Smith, Benji Molina, and Maya Moore.


“A complete count of all Missourians in the 2020 Census is critical to the wellbeing of our residents for the next ten years,” Governor Mike Parson said. “We are proud of our Missouri 2020 Complete Count Committee and its partners around the state for working hard to share this important message and ensure Missouri counts in 2020.”

Census Day is April 1, 2020. In mid-March, Missouri citizens will begin receiving postcards asking them to respond to the 2020 Census through the 2020 Census website or by phone or mail.

The state’s 2020 Complete Count Committee is asking all Missourians to make sure all people living in their household are counted. When all Missourians are counted, communities receive more funding for education, hospitals, roads, and more.

“We want to make sure everyone living in Missouri knows they count in 2020 and, by responding to the 2020 Census, they help bring resources and representation to their community,” said Missouri 2020 Complete Count Committee Chair Karen Best. “I am honored to serve as chair of the Complete Count Committee and honored to work with its many outstanding partners towards a complete count for Missouri.”

For more information on the Missouri 2020 Census, please visit https://census.mo.gov/.

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