20th annual Art Around Town exhibit will begin March 31

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Artwork by area elementary students will take the spotlight during the annual Art Around Town exhibit.

The event is set for March 31 through April 6 in the exhibit hall at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St., in West Plains.


It is sponsored by Missouri State University-West Plains’ University/Community Programs (U/CP) Department.

This free event, in its 20th year, will feature two-dimensional pieces by children in grades kindergarten through eighth.

The artists will represent the following school districts: Alton, Fair View, Glenwood, Junction Hill, Koshkonong, Mtn. View, Birch Tree, Thayer, West Plains Middle School and Willow Springs.

Each school can display up to 18 pieces of artwork in the exhibit, organizers said.

The works will be juried by artists from the region, organizers said.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no awards ceremony or reception, organizers said. Instead, awards will be sent to the schools, and teachers will present the awards to the students, organizers explained.

Area residents are invited to view the pieces during regular civic center hours, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and noon to 5 p.m. Saturdays.

For more information about Art Around Town, call the U/CP Department at 417-255-7966 or visit wp.missouristate.edu/ucp/theater.htm.

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