West Plains – The Missouri Primary Care Association has partnered with the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services to provide free drive-through COVID-19 testing at Southern Missouri Community Health Center (SMCHC) at 1137 Independence Drive West Plains from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on March 16, 2021.
You must be a Missouri resident, however, individuals do not have to live in the county in which they are tested and they do not have to be experiencing symptoms.
Any Missouri residents who wish to be tested with an anterior nasal swab to determine if they have an active COVID-19 infection can do so at no cost to the individual.
SMCHC we will require that a mask be worn, individual ID’s will be required, persons must remain in their vehicle, we will only test individuals next to a window. You will be able to access your results within 2-3 days. It is possible that you may have to wait.
Registration prior to the event is encouraged to ensure the ability to be tested. Walk-ins at the event will be accepted if registration slots are still available.