4 Adults, 2 Minors, 1 Unknown Injured in Van Overturn Crash

Seymour, MO. – 7 people, including at least two kids, were injured in various degrees after their vehicle overturned in a crash that happened yesterday on Thursday, August 29th.

The Missouri State Highway Patrolman, Corporal Yendes, says in his report that this crash happened at 12:50pm on Skyline Road north of Seymour. The driver of a Dodge Caravan, identified as Charles Refferty, a 39-year-old Seymour resident, ran off the road before the vehicle overturned and was totaled.

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Injured seriously in this event was Timothy Web, a 21-year-old Springfield resident. Two juveniles were reported injured in the accident as well, thankfully with only minor injuries.

All injured people were taken to Mercy Hospital in Springfield for further treatment. 

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