4-H, FFA Sheep, Goat, and Swine Weigh-in to be held April 9

West Plains, MO. – The 4-H and FFA sheep, goat, and swine weigh-in for the 2022 Heart of the Ozarks Fair will be Saturday, April 9, 2022 at the Heart of the Ozarks fairgrounds.  The weigh-in will be from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

The sheep, goats, and swine will be weighed, tattooed, and ear tagged at the weigh-in.  All eligible exhibitors wanting to enter their sheep or goats at the Missouri State Fair must attend this weigh-in for their animals to be nose printed.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

In addition, each exhibitor must pay $20 for the sale dinner held on the night of the youth sale.  All sheep and goats must have an official scrapie tag, in accordance with Missouri Department of Agriculture, at weigh-in. All sheep and goats must still have their milk/baby teeth at the Heart of the Ozarks Fair in June and will be checked by a superintendent.  Youth wanting to weigh-in livestock for the Heart of the Ozarks Fair must be a member in good standing with the Missouri 4-H club program or a paid member in good standing with a local FFA Chapter. 4-H members must be up to date on their Quality Assurance class by the final weigh-in in June.

For more information, contact Dr. Krista Tate at the University of Missouri Extension office at 417-256-2391 or tatekr@missouri.edu

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