5000+ Acre Prescribed Burn on Shannon-Carter County Border

Ozark National Scenic Riverways is conducting the Stegall Mountain Prescribed Burn in cooperation with Missouri Department of Conservation and The Nature Conservancy on Thursday, March 17, 2022.  This prescribed burn encompasses 5,350 acres and is located along the border of Shannon and Carter Counties near Peck Ranch. Park visitors near Rocky Falls, as well as those traveling on State Highways H or NN, may notice smoke from the prescribed burn.  A section of the Ozark Trail, from approximately Mile 8 to Mile 14 in the Current River Section, crosses the unit and will be subject to closure during the prescribed burn.  Residents traveling on Highway 60 between Winona and Van Buren may see smoke several miles north of the highway.  

If you would like more information about this prescribed burn, you may contact Park Headquarters at 573-323-4236 or Public Information Officer: Dena Matteson at 573-323-4814.

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