Alton Sees New Warming Center Open as Freezing Temperatures Sink In

Alton, MO. – Temperatures are starting to really fall as we start edge closer to the new year. Emergency warming centers will start to become a neccessity to those who either haven’t or are unable to prepare for the cold.

In Alton, a new emergency warming center has recently opened, being at the Alton First Baptist Church. Conditions for this opening will be for when temperatures are at 20 degrees or below, and soup will be served while it’s open. Doors for this warming center will be open during these conditions from 6pm to 7am.


Organizers are asking that anyone wishing to help donate blankets, bed rolls, sleeping bags, pillows, food, or otherwise.

For more information on this warming center, you can call 417 372 0142, or 417 255 3074.


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