Apply Missouri encourages high school students to consider postsecondary options

Dozens of high schools throughout Missouri are participating in the Apply Missouri program this fall, helping students submit college applications and prepare for education beyond high school.

High school counselors and teachers will work with seniors to research colleges and programs of study, complete college essays, and to submit admissions applications to one or more colleges or universities they are interested in attending.

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While Apply Missouri events traditionally take place during the school day and in person, many schools will be hosting virtual or hybrid events this year. So far, approximately 50 schools are currently registered to host an Apply Missouri event this fall.

“Every year, thousands of Missouri high school seniors begin their college journey by submitting college applications,” said Zora Mulligan, commissioner of higher education. “We’re excited to partner with high schools to help encourage Missouri’s students to explore all paths to success, to find their best fit, and to continue their education beyond high school.”

Apply Missouri officially kicks off this month in conjunction with #WhyApply Day. This nationwide initiative, sponsored by the American College Application Campaign and ACT, inspires students to take the first big step toward a bright future by applying to college.

Find a list of Missouri schools currently signed up to offer Apply Missouri at

Apply Missouri is one of three Journey to College programs designed to help students plan and pay for college. FAFSA Frenzy, starting in October, will help students apply for financial aid. Decision Day, held in April and May, celebrates seniors’ plans for after graduation. High schools still interested in hosting events can sign up on the MDHEWD website.

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