“Art Around Town” Exhibit Featuring Local Students to Begin March 19th

West Plains, MO. – The West Plains Council on the Arts 23rd “Art Around Town” exhibit has been scheduled to begin on March 19th, and will be featuring artwork from area elementary students.

This event is scheduled for March 19th through the 28th, and will be on display at the West Plains Civic Center on the Mezzanine. This event, which is sponsored by Missouri State University – West Plains, will feature art in both two and three dimensions by area students from grades K-8th. Schools represented in this contest include: Alton, Bakersfield, Dora, Fairview, Gainesville, Glenwood, Howell Valley, Junction Hill, Koshkonong, Lutie, Mountain View-Birch Tree, Richards, Thayer, West Plains, and Willow Springs.

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An awards ceremony will be held on March 24th at 2:30pm at the Civic Center, and the artwork will be available to be viewed by the public during normal Civic Center hours.

For more information about Art Around Town, call at 417-255-7966.

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