Art of Barbara Robinette on display at Ozarks Small Business Incubator through June

Stop by the Ozarks Small Business Incubator to view the watercolor paintings by Barbara Robinette now on display on the first floor of the incubator through the end of June.

An artist’s reception will be held for Robinette on April 27 from 2-4 PM at OzSBI.

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About the artist:

Though she minored in art, Barbara Robinette dropped out of college to go to work and learn on her own. She is a member of West Plains Ventures in Art group and is self-taught in the art of watercolor.  Robinette also is a free verse poet, leaning today towards haiga art, which combines images with haiku. Daily Haiga has posted online five of her haiga, and Quill and Parchment poetry journal has featured some of her art online. Highland Park Poetry Publications has published one of her haiga in their book, The Majesty of Trees.  The Haiku Foundation has scheduled some of her haiga art to be posted online in April 2023.

Remembering that one of her professors said that a painting should be “pleasing to the eye,” she enjoys playing with paint and water to see what might develop.

OzSBI is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and is located at 408 Washington Avenue, West Plains, MO.

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