Back Country Horsemen seek members

The Ridge Runner Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of Missouri located in the West Plains area is seeking horsemen and women who are interested in maintaining horse trails in our area of the Mark Twain National Forest.

“We are a service organization that works with different agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service and Missouri Department of Conservation, to protect Missouri’s equestrian trails through our service, education and advocacy,” said organization officials. “We maintain trails using our horses, combining trail maintenance with riding. BCH is a great way to meet other equestrians and participate in an organization that is working to improve your trails. You may have seen examples of our work at trailheads where we have placed mounting blocks and hitching rails, and have cleared deadfalls on the trails”.

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“For those that might be interested in joining the Ridge Runner Chapter, in our efforts to keep our local trails available for all to enjoy. We are one of 12 Chapters throughout the state and are affiliated with the more than 13,000 members of Back Country Horsemen of America, your liaison in Washington, D.C. to promote projects and funding to insure our trails remain accessible. Trailheads that Ridge Runners service are the Devil’s Backbone, Wrangler, Hay Hollow, Blue Hole, Horton, Noblett Lake and Pomona, which include the Ridge Runner and Ozark Trails.”

The next meeting is on Tuesday, December 8, at the Ozark Cafe in West Plains. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. (if you wish to eat come at 5 p.m.) You can find more information on Facebook at Ridge Runner Chapter, Back Country Horsemen of Missouri.

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