Bill To Discount Drugs Passed Into Law Without Governor Parson’s Signature

(Sections of this article were provided by Missourinet)

Missouri – Senate Bill 751, a bill that will lower the price of drugs, was passed without the signature of Governor Parson and will begin next month. The bill was intended to help uninsured and low-income Missourians better access discounted prescription drugs near them. 


Governor Mike Parson did not sign or veto Senate Bill 751 but will instead let it become law on its own. The legislation limits 340B drug contacts between Missouri hospitals, healthcare centers, and local pharmacies. In an interview with Missourinet Parson stated, “That’s probably one of the bills that’s been the toughest to try to figure out what is really the best thing to do here. Not only for the two entities that I want to say have a huge interest in that bill, but what I’m looking at for every day is what’s it going to mean for the everyday citizen out there. And the other thing is, the truth of it is, the lack of transparency in the bill.”

The drugs that are available now with the discount will be brought down to and can be found at your local pharmacies. 

Sen. Justin Brown, R-Rolla, said his bill prioritizes patient care and “reigns in Big Pharma.”

On the opposing side, Drew Duncan, with drug company Pfizer, said it supports the 340B program, but said the federal program is not saving patients much money.

“Needy patients often see no benefit from the discounts provided by manufacturers under the 340B program because covered entities and their contract pharmacies often do not pass along those discounts to your constituents,” he said.

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