Boating Accident in Osage County Ends in Serious Injuries and Death of 1 Adult and 1 Juvenile

Gasconade River, MO. – Just yesterday on Labor Day, a boating trip has ended in tragedy for one group on the Gasconade River. A collision with a root wad ended with the death of a 30-year-old man, a 7-year-old girl, and injuries for 5 others.

This Osage County boating collision happened at 7pm. The Missouri State Highway Patrol who investigated, say that the boat, a flat-top gatorboat, hit a wad of roots, which then cause the vessel to strike a rock bluff. The operator, Reven Newbound, 30 of Owensville, was fatally injured along with a 7-year-old girl.

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Seriously injured were a 29-year-old woman, Samantha Newbound, a 9-year-old female, a 4-year-old female, and a male infant. Also injured in a minor capacity was Taylor McClure, 21 of Bland, MO.

The Highway Patrol add that this makes the 3rd and 4th boating fatalities for 2024.

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