Boil order issued for section of Howell Co. water district

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — A boil water order has been issued for a section of Howell County Public Water Supply District #2.

The order, issued due to an emergency leak repair, affects all the water patrons on the west system on CR 8270 from Highway 16 at Ozark Machinery to the crossroads at CR 8620 and all private roads in that vicinity.

Bridal Expo

The Junction Hill and Brandsville systems are not included in the boil order.

Residents and businesses on PWSD water should boil water vigorously for three minutes prior to use for cooking or drinking. Ice machines or water dispensers on refrigerators should not be used.

You can disinfect dishes by immersing them for at least one minute in clean water containing one teaspoon of unscented household chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Water used for bathing does not need to be boiled.

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