Boys and Girls Club seeking donations

The Boys & Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area is asking the community for help in funding its internet needs.

“We are grateful for those that have assisted us along year-to-date,” said CEO Josh Sherman. “However, this year, 2020, has been an unpredictable year that has exhausted our organization financially on some fronts.”

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The Club is asking the community to assist in funding its internet service for a period of one year.

“With schools, companies, programs, etc. moving towards a virtual learning platform or meeting platform, our internet capabilities were forced to being modified to accommodate the ‘internet-demand’ for both staff and youth members,” said Sherman. “Our organization is seeking monetary donations of $1,500 to fulfill our mission to the youth members and provide adequate virtual platforms for staff growth and development along with member out-reach.”

To donate, mail donations to us at 613 West First Street, West Plains Missouri 65775 or check out our Facebook page as we will have a fundraiser happening starting on Giving Tuesday (December 1, 2020).

The Boys & Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area is woven into the communities and is combating COVID19 with you, community businesses and others.  The organization is a vital element to many families and will continue to be beyond COVID19. The measures we take are to enhance, grow, and make great futures. Following our mission statement, “Great Futures Start Here”. What I believe beyond the mission statement is that great futures start here, but they start because of you.

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