“Buck Moon” Lights Up The Night Sky In Orange This Full Moon Weekend

Missouri and Arkansas – The night sky has prepared another treat for the stargazers of Missouri and Arkansas. This weekend is going to be a full moon weekend and even better a Buck Moon weekend.

According to NASA, the moon will appear full in the sky from Friday evening to Monday morning, so about three days. July’s full moon is known as a Buck Moon, meaning the full moon will appear larger and brighter than normal, and will also feature a red or orange glow. NASA says this moon gets its name because “early summer is normally when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur.”

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The Buck Moon only happens once a year in July. This moon will give the night sky an orange tint. The moon occurs because, at this time of year, the moon is at a closer orbit than normal making the moon appear bigger than normal and letting the sun’s light reflect a different color.

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